Friday, March 23, 2012


Here's just a little something, stay tuned for a pasta recipe coming either later today or this weekend (at the latest)...yay for carbs!

Yoga is a huge part of my life, and anyone else who feels the same way will totally get this...
This is a photo taken by Jim Campbell of OmLight Photography in Colorado. He takes amazing pictures, so check him out on Facebook and at his website. He posted this to Facebook this morning and it was one of the first things I saw this morning on my mini feed.

The caption was "Inhale. Exhale. Pull."

Here's the part where you kind of have to be a yogi to get it, but I totally think that "inhale.exhale.pull" is a great life motto.

Yoga isn't always about feeling comfortable. More so, it's about finding your edge and knowing whether to back off or to take a big, full ujjayi inhale and a big ujjayi exhale, and then pulling yourself further into the experience.

See the connection to the bigger picture? 

Yoga teaches me to live life fully both on and off my mat, and those lessons don't always come when I'm upside down in a hot, sweaty room.

Here's to finding wisdom where you least expect it.

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